Monday, March 31, 2014

High-speed Rail System

Texas is one of the fastest growing states and one of the largest states. Transportation continues to be an issue throughout the state's largest cities. The Texas Central Railway plans to construct a bullet train system that will link the Dallas-Fort Worth area to Houston. The state should back this privately funded project and expand it. Not only should it link the DFW area to Houston, it should also include Austin and San Antonio. Many people commute between Dallas and Houston for work on a weekly basis and many also have family across these cities. The average travel time between these two cities is 4.5 hours by car and is expected to increase, whereas a high-speed rail system could make the journey in less than 1.5 hours. The implementation of this new system would mean a decrease in the number of automobiles on the highways which would reduce traffic congestion.

A new high-speed rail system would create thousands of new jobs in the state. Texas is not in an economic slump right now, but adding more high paying jobs never hurts. The addition of a high-speed rail would reduce emissions by reducing the number of cars on the highway. The United States has been behind many European and Asian countries on the development of a high-speed railway and Texas has a chance to lead the way for this new transportation system. The project should benefit the the state, but the Texas government should also provide financial support so it can connect the largest cities in the state.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014


Ralph De La Cruz, editorial writer for The Dallas Morning News, took on the controversial subject of fracking in Texas in his recent article. Fracking is a type of oil drilling that uses large amounts of water and harmful chemicals. It is an effective way to increase productivity and efficiency in extracting oil. It has received a lot of criticism due to it being harmful to the environment. In Denton, Texas fracking has been banned inside city limits. 
According to Ralph De La Cruz banning fracking could actually hurt taxpayers. De La Cruz is no fan of fracking, but he points out that it has played a large part in Texas' economic fortunes. The surplus in state funds from the oil industry contribute to new transportation projects that would otherwise come from an increase in taxes. De La Cruz seems to be against banning fracking in order to keep taxes lower. I would have to agree with De La Cruz in allowing fracking because the oil industry is booming in Texas and if it keeps taxes lower then that is also a plus. I do find it funny that he basically says he is in favor of protecting the environment, but not if it costs him more in taxes. De La Cruz does not particularly have any credibility on the subject other than he is a tax payer who does not want to give the government any more money than he has to.